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People for the Poor is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Our group consists of 100% volunteers and relies completely on donations from people like you! Every dollar helps!

You can now donate quickly, easily and securely online with a credit card or checking account through PayPal. You DO NOT have to be a member of PayPal to donate! Simply click on “Make a Donation” button – it’s FREE to send money!

​Make a gift on behalf of a loved one for a special occasion! People for the Poor will send a special letter by mail in honor or memory of someone special in your life. Donating to People for the Poor is a generous gift for:

  • Birthday
  • Anniversary
  • Bereavement

Mail Your Donation:

People for the Poor
P.O. Box 821
Bellmawr, NJ 08099

Donate Online:

In addition to monetary donations, People for the Poor welcomes donations of any goods or services that can be raffled off at one of our future events.